Fact About Adult Acne & How to Get Rid of It
Adult Acne: Causes & Remedies
If you noticed the acne you had when you were 15
is returning at age 35, rest assured, you're in good company.
One in five women between the ages of 25 & 40 suffer from adult
acne. Here are a few facts about adult acne:
Fact #1: Acne usually begins with blackheads Blackheads
are not dirt, they're actually the result of oil & dead cells
getting trapped in a pore, block the duct & mix with bacteria.
They then turn black when exposed to air. Red pimples develop
when blackheads become inflamed and they spread when touched
with dirty hands. Ick! When the pimple becomes infected, it
develops a whitehead or pustule. These can break & cause scars.
Fact #2: There are several causes of adult acne These
are: Stress, bad cosmetics, hormones & birth control pills.
Stress causes your oil glands to overcompensate.
Bad cosmetics leads to bacteria-laden pores. Hormones cause the
sebacuous glands to overact & birth control pills with androgen
in them can cause breakouts. Fact #3: Cheese & chocolate have
nothing to do with your acne What do you do need to do is
get a good facial. Why? Because acne is not a disease, rather it
is a condition of the skin & a good facialist knows exactly what
your skin needs: sulfur, zinc & camphor masks, exfoliation,
blackhead extractions & at-home follow-up. |